Documents Needed to Qualify:
* Last 2 Current Pay Stubs
* Last 2 Months of Bank Statements
* Copy of Dr License and SS Card
* Tax Returns/W2s for last 2 years
* Credit Cards - amounts & monthly
* Any other financial information to help paint your financial picture.
* Same Documents for 1st time buyers or experienced buyers.
A Home to plant flowers and a garden.
Qualifying is all about Money Coming in
and Money Going Out for Bills. It is a
a percentage. Plus your Credit Score.
A Lender's Score is different than the Online Scores. Close but different.
Minimum is 640 for a DPA loan program.
We can plan together to raise your score if we need to tweak it a bit. You will have
a Team working with you on this too.
We chat about your goals and criteria for the home you want to buy. We talk about the different loan options with a few good lenders and you get to pick. Some have special programs with No Down
Payment and sometimes we can get
help with Closing Costs. SWEET.
We work together as a Team.
We Plan Your Path to Your Next Home.